News from NDSC!

National Farm Safety & Health Week!

This week, September 18-24 is National Farm Safety & Health Week. The theme for the 79th annual event is “Protecting Agriculture’s Future.” Agriculture is a leading industry in North Dakota, creating almost one-fourth of the state’s employment and 26,000 farms and ranches stretching across the state.

NDSC to host Safetember Celebration

Bringing together more than 16 safety partner organizations, the NDSC is hosting this FREE community and member event. Don’t miss the North Dakota National Guard bringing in a Black Hawk helicopter for the day.


School days bring congestion: School buses are picking up their passengers, kids on bikes are hurrying to get to school before the bell rings, harried parents are trying to drop their kids off before work. It's never more important for drivers to slow down and pay attention than when kids are present – especially before and after school.