Driver Safety In The Workplace

Motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death and injury in the workplace. The cost of a single incident could easily exceed $1.8 million. Save money, save lives and develop safer drivers when you train with the NDSC. The NDSC’s driver safety courses are approved for the Safe Driver part of the Workforce Safety and Insurance Safety Incentive Program! Successfully complete one of our approved courses and you could save up to 5% on your WSI premium.

Get Up to a 5% Premium Discount From WSI!

You must successfully complete all the program requirements below.

Other Driving Safety Courses for Workers


“This was the best class I ever had! The instructor kept the class engaging the whole time and it was actually fun.” NDSC Student


“The instructor had real world experience and put things into perspective from his own experiences in the field.” – NDSC Student

NDSC’s official vehicle sponsor:

NDSC is a proud partner of:

Terry Weaver
Driver Safety Manager

dl: (701) 751-6106
ph: (701) 223-6372
tf: (800) 932-8890

Do you have a teen driver at home? 

Enroll them in Alive at 25 for an insurance discount

“I lost my only brother in a fatal car crash. It changed the dynamic of my family forever and made me an only child. If I could have my way, not another family would have to experience that type of loss.”

– Terry Weaver