Coach Me Advanced Behind-The-Wheel

Research has shown in-vehicle instruction and training remains the most effective way to reduce crashes, injuries and fatalities. The Coach Me system uses 2 programs to assist employers in the training of drivers. The first is the in-car evaluation. A certified instructor will ride with your employee and conduct a detailed evaluation of their driving style, techniques, and habits. Then they will make specific recommendations to the company and driver on what they need to change to lower their risk of being involved in a crash. The second program is a designed driving range in an open area, such as a parking lot. The cone patterns used in the system will teach drivers how to do slow speed safe maneuvering of their vehicle in tight spaces. This program addresses improper backing, parking, loading, and other such actions that may lead to large losses for a fleet of vehicles.

Course Length
1 day (8 hours)

Private Course
Call 701-223-6372 to request pricing and schedule training.

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