FREE COVID-19 School Webinar Recordings Available!

To provide guidance to schools, the NDSC and EAPC created free virtual training courses in partnership with multiple agencies, including the N.D. Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and N.D. Department of Health (NDDoH). If you are looking for a refresher on the COVID guidance we offered this summer, we’ve left the recordings up for continued access. Please be aware that the information in these recordings is outdated due to changes in the ND Color-Coded Health Guidance System.

The free series, titled COVID-19 Safety for Schools, took place throughout June and July. The trainings included a brief overview of COVID-19 characteristics and how those characteristics impact cleaning procedures, hygiene, shared equipment and more.

“Teachers, cleaning staff, administration, coaches and bus drivers all have unique scenarios to consider,” says Don Moseman, NDSC master instructor. “Our goal was to give them the knowledge and confidence to reopen safely this fall.”

Access the recordings below:  

(You will be prompted to register before accessing each course)

The NDSC and EAPC developed these courses in partnership with DPI, NDDOH, N.D. Council of Educational Leaders, N.D. School Boards Association, N.D. United, NuVation Health Systems, N.D. Small Organized Schools and Sanford OccMed.

If you’re in need of additional support, we’re here to help. One of our most popular trainings so far has been regarding proper cleaning/disinfecting of buses. We also have additional courses available for administration, students, parent and teachers-both offered onsite and via distance learning.