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Safety News & Events

NDSC Now Offering Safety Essentials Courses

The NDSC is an approved HASC facility offering Safety Essentials courses for Marathon contractors. Use our state-of-the-art proctored training room located at the NDSC campus in Bismarck, ND, to complete the Safety Essentials courses required for contractors by Marathon.

NDSC Holds Annual Awards Banquet

The North Dakota Safety Council handed out awards to companies for dedication and exemplary service to safety across our state.

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

The North Dakota Safety Council partners with the National Safety Council to help bring awareness to North Dakota drivers about the dangers of distracted driving.

The NDSC is North Dakota’s number one safety resource for workplace and community safety training. The NDSC is a member organization dedicated to preventing injures and saving lives. Please consider partnering with us on our mission to keep families whole.

Stay up-to-date with everything safety in-print and online! We offer information including monthly training updates, NDSC quarterly newsletters, Training Calendar postcards, Membership information and relevant safety news updates.